1.      No outsider is allowed to enter the college without a valid reason.

2.      All the students have to be in a proper uniform. For Girls students the uniform is White Kameez, white Shalwar, white Duppata and black flat shoes. For Boys, the uniform is white Shirt, Grey Pant and black shoes. Without uniform, no student will be allowed to enter in the college. In winter students will wear Black sweater/coat.

3.      If a student remains absent from the college without permission for more than 14 consecutives days, he/she shall be struck off from the college rolls.

4.      Unlawful assembly of the students in the college is banned.

5.      Writing of graffiti on the walls or sticking posters is a cognizable offence.

6.      Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and the student/s involved in ragging will be severely punished, even to the extent of being expelled from the college.

7.      Students resorting to unfair means in the examinations are liable to be issued a bad character certificate.

8.      A student desirous of withdrawing his/her name from the college rolls should submit an application, countersigned by the parents/guardians of the student.

9.      The withdrawal certificate shall be issued only after the student clear all college dues/outstanding. Such students shall in no case be re-admitted during the same academic session.

10.  All the refunds should be claimed within six months of leaving the college after which the amount shall lapse.

11.  The above rules may be changed, modified or suspended as and when required.


As per the provisions of state anti-ragging law, the ragging is completely banned and whosoever, directly or indirectly commits or participates in or abets or propagates ragging within or outside any educational institution, will on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to two year or fine or both.


The use of mobile phone by the students in the college is strictly banned.


There are scholarships for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBC, Low-income groups, RBA, Pahari Speaking Students, frontier students, National Loan scholarships and other national scholarships are awarded by the Government of India. Besides, Merit scholarships are also awarded to the deserving students of the college in addition to University & Scholarships awarded by the Jammu University. Over and above these scholarships, liberal help is given by the Government grants and UGC funds, if available. The grant and the continuance of the scholarships is subject to the following conditions:

a. Regular Attendance

b. Satisfactory Conduct.

c. Production of Income Certificate.

In addition to above College also provides financial aid from local fund to limited number of needy students.